Sunday, June 20, 2010

Tuesday 6/15 Winslow Arizona to Kingman Arizona

First stop of the day, after a very restful evening and morning at the La Posada Inn, was "THE" corner in Winslow Arizona.

It was an interesting experience- we literally stopped traffic in town! In fact, a person from Public Works redirected traffic around the corner so we could arrange the cars properly to take this picture.
(Note the Rt. 66 sign painted on the ground at the intersection.)

Here is the entire crew in front of the "Standing on the Corner" statue and a building with a painting of a "girl in a flatbed Ford".

As we were hanging around checking out the town, a woman approached and asked if we would mind being photographed for the local newspaper... being the "A List" celebrities that we are, we of course agreed to participate!

Here are some other shots of downtown Winslow for your enjoyment

After shooting our picture for the newpaper article, the photographer recommended we visit the local Winslow Hot Rod shop that was on our way out of town. We were not in a rush, so dropped in to say hello. We soon learned that it was, ummm, a different kind of shop than we're accustomed to. The owner of the shop is 80 years old... when he saw us pull up he yelled out "stop! come on in here!".  Much to our delight, cough cough, he gave us the shop tour with an unlit, totally chewed up, cigar in one hand and a dirty coffee cup in the other.

Every car he showed us was "the one he is getting buried in"... based on that, I guess they must have HUGE burial plots in Winslow!

Here is a picture of the owner consulting with Ray... describing the two most important aspects of building a quality Hot Rod


Note his finely laundered shirt... and the way Ray was listening intensely to this guru of the Hot Rod Industry... NOT!

Next stop, the GRAND CANYON! It was a beautiful drive... clear, cool and picturesque.

We got to the Grand Canyon National Park unscathed and walked to the viewing area... it was completely amazing and humbling. It gives the word awesome new meaning. 

As mentioned previously in other posts, we have MANY more photos of the adventure- just takes forever to upload them to the blog so we will have to post a link to more photos at a later date.

After soaking in the majesty of the Grand Canyon, we bid it farewell and headed towards Kingman. We needed to make it there by evening so we could leave early the next day to cross the desert into California (before the midday heat).

Some shots along the way

Suddenly, about 25 miles outside of Kingman, we got a call from Bob... Dick's Model A had run out of gas and he was stopped on the side of the road. Luckily for all, we had plenty of liquid refreshments so dehydration wasn't going to be an issue.

Luckily, Chuck had brough along an empty gas can, so Ray and I took off to find the nearest station. Thank God it was only 10 miles away- we were able to get a couple of gallons of gas and rapidly back track to where Dick was stranded.

Here are some shots of our unplanned stop on the way to Kingman

How many guys does it take to operate a gas can?


Here's a view of the scene from the median strip... at least Dick ran out of gas in a scenic, though remote, area! We were all glad this happened during the day... at night it would have been seriously scary! 

We actually made it to Kingman prior to sundown and enjoyed a decent meal at a local steakhouse... not fancy, but the food was hot and the beer was cold. Good enough for this bunch of tired travelers!

Next stop- Pomona, California!

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