Saturday, June 12, 2010

Been away, haven't seen you in a while... How've ya been?

Well folks, it was an eventful day yesterday... Unfortunately, I had no Internet connectivity while we were in Alabama and very little in Mississippi. That being the case, following is a Friday June 11 recap of events:

We began the day in Gadsden, AL after having a decent nights rest at the Hampton Inn but before doing that we figured it would be best to fill our bellies with some good old fashioned breakfast at the local...

It was an awesome meal and Dick was introduced to a new breakfast meat: Turkey Sausage!

Here's a picture of the guys contemplating the days post breakfast events

We decided to visit Paul Atkins' shop near Cullman, AL and the drive there was fantastic

Upon arrival we realized that the fuel pump on Dicks car was on it's last legs. Not unusual given the fact that it has worked flawlesly for nearly 10 years. Problem is, it is a fairly rare fuel pump out of a '66 Corvette with the 350 horsepower 327 cubic inch engine.

Needless to say, they are not on the shelf at Chevy dealerships or parts stores... So we did what we do best; adapt to the situation and made what was available work. Any Hot Rodder worth his salt knows exactly what I mean.

Here we are fixing the pump.

By the way, the staff at Atkins' Shop couldn't have been kinder.

They made us feel at home and gave us access to anything we needed as we resolved the problem.

We also were given a tour of the shop, which is absolutely top notch. Here are some pics from inside

Thanks again to Mike and Marvin from Atkins- they were great hosts!

Our next destination was Memphis, or to be exact Bartlett, TN. The trip there was uneventful and beautiful. The sun was setting and temperature dropping so riding in the Roadster was great.

We finally reached our hotel at 10:30 PM and rapidly made our way to the Texas Roadhouse for last call and dinner. Our server laughed when we all ordered two beers at once... We were thirsty and didn't want to take a chance at being shutout. :-)

Stay tuned- much more to come.

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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