Monday, June 14, 2010

Saturday recap: Visit to Memphis and the home of the King of Rock & Roll

It was another banner day on our cross country adventure. The cars ran great and we took in some fantastic sights in Memphis.

Here we are preparing for the trip downtown

Our first stop was at Walker Radiator Works. For those of you who are not familiar with Hot Rodding, Walker is significant for two reasons:

1- The obvious reason- they manufactur highest quality replacement radiators for old classic vehicles. (Critical to building a Hot Rod).

2- Vern Walker, the owner, is the founder of the NSRA (National Street Rod Association) which is one of the largest Hot Rod organizations in the world.

We thought it fitting to visit Walker's main operation and get a picture

What we didn't know was that their facility is next door to Sun Recording Studios!

Sun Studios was where Elvis produced his first record and where many other artists recorded the music that became the soundtrack of our lives.

This plaque says it all

Here's a picture inside the storefront portion of the building

Before we left downtown to make our way to Graceland, we managed to get a picture of the Hot Rods in front of the Heartbreak Hotel (zoom in on the wall painting on the taller building behind the cars)

We then made our way to Graceland- it was a nice drive and we passes some very stately so Southern Mansions on our way there.

Here are some shots in front of Graceland's front wall/gate

And, as countless others have down over the years since Elvis passed, we took the opportunity to sign the stone wall in front of Graceland. (look carefully above the heart... Ray, Bob, Dick, Chuck and I signed and I left a little profile charicature, too.)

We then made tracks for Oklahoma City, passing through Arkansas on the way

Caught the setting sun on a very pleasant day on the road

Made it to Oklahoma City at 10 PM after another fantastic day on the road. The Wildhogs may be old, but we're tough!

Stay tuned for more!

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